Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Leafs Were a Flop

   About the leaf pillow, it didn't really work out. I think it was four- or maybe five times- that I started over. I don't know why. I followed the pattern perfectly, counted my stitches when it wasn't turning out right, unraveled and re-did individual rows, etc. Also, I have done this pattern before in a scarf that I never finished. If that scarf turned out perfectly than what is wrong with my pillow?
Maybe I will try out this stitch pattern. It looks the same but there could be something wrong with the other pattern.
   On a totally non-floppy note, I got some new yarn! It is a ball of Mini Mochi from PK Yarn Over Knit Shop. As I was winding the gorgeous yarn up into a ball, I just had to stop and take a picture. Here is a closeup of a parshly unraveled ball of Mini Mochi:
   PK Yarn Over is my absolute favorite yarnshop. The yarn is gorgeous, the store is cozy, and the people are just great. As I was checking out with my new yarny picks, this is the conversation that took place:

My Mom, refering to the Mini Mochi: What are you going to make with that?

Me, wondering how she expected me to predict the future: I don't know.

The Yarn Store Lady, in her semi-pleasant, chirpy voice: It was just calling to her and it is probably the first thing that is going to be worked up.

Well, she was right. I also bought the pillow yarn there too and that is going very slow. I am already making a lacey scarf with my soft 196 yards of Mini Mochi, which is some very pleasant knitting. I just love knitting without deadlines.

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